We are interested in care free living to the greatest extent possible and wondering if France, and Lyon specifically, has arrangements similar to those in the USA that are known as "life care communities" where one can live independently with all major needs taken care of with one monthly payment. When and if additional needs arise, such as memory care, or some physical disability, there is another level of care available that one can tap into as needed. Does this type of living exist in France and, specifically, Lyon? We are healthy and active and know that we want to travel and explore France without the responsibility of any home ownership or maintenance. We would, as newcomers, really appreciate the instant community this would bring. We are both taking French lessons but are not able to communicate well in French. We are working on it with the help of tutors and technology but would want a place where some English was spoken as well as French.
Thank you in advance for any insights and comments!
Thank you in advance for any insights and comments!