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Move to Hannover/Celle

22 years ago
Any info/opinions on bringing family pet (10 yr old male rottweiler) would be appreciated. We will be learning the language as we arrive and have concerns regarding any needed vet care. Also have questions regarding finding furnished housing with pet? Have lived in Norway (wonderful!) and London but not for as long so did not consider taking our dog.

We are Americans (Texans) currently in Canada (even more wonderful).

Oh yes, any movies in English in Hannover?

Read with great interest the discussion of Mexican food....Thanks


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SJB Global

SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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