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4/18/2003: Expats in NRW Update

21 years ago
Hi Everyone. It is Kristina again, just updating the thread here and making sure that people know it is still active.

I just got back from a 3 week trip back home to California so I am a little bit out of it at the moment but I did see that there were posts from people interested in meeting up and I have added you (except for Patti99 because I didn't have an email address... hopefully Avril has that by now) to the group addresses that I have at the moment. When we have a get together planned I blanket email this group to let everyone know that something is coming up and to get confirmation of who will be able to come or not.

If anyone else is interested in meeting with people in the NRW area please continue to post here or better yet, send an email to me at:

[email protected]

or to Avril, who is also very good at keeping up with people who are interested in meeting up, at:

[email protected]

Remember, if you choose to post here Please put your email address in the post or, if you don't feel secure with that make sure to mark the button "Receive e-mail notification of new posts to this topic" that is directly under the box where you write your post. Mark this button before you hit the button to send your post to this thread. This will ensure that you get posts from this site sent to your email address and you don't miss out on anything.

I have a good list of people who have expressed interest in meeting up and have met with six of them myself so far before I left to go to California. I will not be able to get together again for the next couple of weeks because I have been sick for a while and am trying to kick that out of my system but if I get word from anyone new who is wanting to meet, I will get you in contact with other people who would like to set something up before I am better.

Well, lengthy post, I know. I have a tendency to ramble sometimes :-) I hope that everyone is doing well and keep the posts coming!


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