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Thessaloniki - where do we start

22 years ago
My family (myself, husband, 10 yr old girl and 1 yr old boy), will be relocating to Greece next year. I already have family in Serres, but due to the lack of spoken Greek by us all at this time, we are looking to rent a place in Salonika, with my daughter to go to an english speaking school.

Any advice/help as to where to start looking for such a school and places to rent local to it would be much appreciated.


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Best Places to Live in Greece Best Places to Live in Greece

If you're considering a move to Greece, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in Greece in 2023.

Healthcare in GreeceHealthcare in Greece

If you're moving to Greece, it's important to understand the health insurance requirements when seeking a short or long-term visa, the quality of healthcare outside of Athens including in Greek Islands, vaccines for Greece and more.

Cost of Living in GreeceCost of Living in Greece

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Greece.

Moving to GreeceMoving to Greece Guide

Our guide to moving to Greece with lots of advice from expats on the ground.

Real Estate in GreeceReal Estate in Greece

Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Greece.

Pros Cons of Living in GreecePros & Cons of Living in Greece

Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Greece.

Retiring in GreeceRetiring in Greece

Advice for people retiring in Greece.

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