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shopping, markets, etc..

10 years ago
Hello all
I am in Valle de San Cristobal, Mixco area I believe, and was wondering about shopping , like a fish market, budget grocery shopping, costco, or pricemart , are these my option's, like Sam's Club/Costco's back home???

I am looking for a great Easter Ham for the family here, we are at least 8 people, so when we meal pre pare we must prepare for a feast each day, can anyone help me do this on the sly and I can surprise them once in awhile with some great meals , as I am here all alone and very bored.

As you may have guessed this trip I am on very limitied funds, so budget shopping is a must, but still wish to get the ham if not over 1000q's that is

pm me

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Expats are very forthcoming about the pros and cons of living in Guatemala. Pros include the spring-like weather, the low cost of living and the lifestyle.

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Expats in Guatemala have a variety of healthcare options available to them. Understanding what is available is a critical part of preparing to move there.

Cost of Living in GuatemalaCost of Living in Guatemala

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Guatemala.

Moving to GuatemalaMoving to Guatemala Guide

Expats that move to Guatemala do so to enjoy a beautiful country where the cost of living can be dramatically different than the rest of the world. However, it's important to understand all of the details of living in Guatemala before moving there.

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Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Guatemala.

Pros Cons of Living in GuatemalaPros & Cons of Living in Guatemala

Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Guatemala.

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Advice for people retiring in Guatemala.

10 Tips for Living in Guatemala10 Tips for Living in Guatemala

If you've recently arrived in Guatemala, here are 10 tips for digital nomads living in Guatemala.

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