My husband and I were married in Roatan in 2003. We jumped through all the hoops and legal requirements through a friend on Roatan.Then married by the mayor and minister as required. We were issued a marriage in spanish and one in English. All paperwork was signed after the cermony and was to be filed by the minister or mayor....back in the states we showed the certificate to change my name on DL and SS. Now over nine years later we are going to retire to Utila..and we are applying for our residency. One requirement is to show we are married...piece of cake right...since we were married in Honduras...NOT...Roatan has NO record of our someone dropped the ball...Now what...we both have the same last name on our DL...and we are told the certificate holds no legal value when they do not have any we get married again...and where...and how.......any answers out there????