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Trip to Copan ruins from Nica: safety

5 years ago
My family of 4 (incl. 2 boys 12 yrs old) are interested in doing a road trip to Copán Ruinas from the Chinandega area of Nica, likely via a route including the Guasaule border and via a route to avoid the capital. (CA3 to CA1 and Rn112) for no other reason than google maps suggesting it. We have an old Costa Rica registered Montero Sport. Knowing nothing about Honduras, does anyone have any suggestions for us on this route, or is there a better one)? Google maps suggests nearly 12 hrs. Sound about right? What do we need to know about safety? Are we nuts? Is there a place roughly in the middle that would be a nice place to stay ( and see?). We are gringos, and obviously look it with sun/salt bleached hair. My wife is fluent in Spanish. Thanks for any advice... If your advice is don’t do it, it’s not safe, please explain. Cheers!!

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Best Places to Live in Honduras Best Places to Live in Honduras

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Healthcare in HondurasHealthcare in Honduras

Health care in Honduras is an especially important topic for expatriates living there. It is critical to carefully consider the area you move to and what that choice will mean for your individual health.

Cost of Living in HondurasCost of Living in Honduras

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Honduras.

Moving to HondurasMoving to Honduras Guide

If you're moving to Honduras, this must-read article covers healthcare, best places to live, culture shock, crime and much more.

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Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Honduras.

Pros Cons of Living in HondurasPros & Cons of Living in Honduras

Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Honduras.

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Advice for people retiring in Honduras.

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If you've recently arrived in Honduras, here are 10 tips for digital nomads living in Honduras.

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