I am an American who is involved in an ongoing long distance relationship with an Indonesian of Chinese ancestry. It is a ways off but I am starting to put my toe in the water regarding immigration to Indonesia. The relevant facts are that I am receiving Social Security but my allotment and resources make it impossible to immigrate as a retiree. I have what would be an ample income to survive on the local economy and meet my obligations- but it falls short of the law. In that regard I am very familiar with the culture, the food and speak some Mandarin. I know this is not the dominant language of Chinese in Indonesia but my potential spouse speaks Mandarin.
I am open to anything as far as advice regarding any possible solution to this dilemma. Talk me out of it- or help us find a way. I'm looking a year down the road- time for an infatuation to fade and reality to become apparent. But we are in love and right now I just want to know if there might be any way to do this in a year.
I am open to anything as far as advice regarding any possible solution to this dilemma. Talk me out of it- or help us find a way. I'm looking a year down the road- time for an infatuation to fade and reality to become apparent. But we are in love and right now I just want to know if there might be any way to do this in a year.