Looking for advice on what my next step should be. Pursuing dual citizenship with my Grandparents being born in Ireland. I have all the documents I need except one. My father was born in San Francisco in 1908, not long after the big earthquake. The City can't give me a certified copy of his birth certificate because they say the images aren't clear and they can't certify it. I have my Grandfather's birth certificate from Ireland. He immigrated to US in 1890's and I have all the other documents from the time he lived and died in the US. I have all my father's documents except his birth certificate. Is there some other document that would connect my Father to my Grandfather that the Irish Government would accept? I've tried to get his Baptism certificate but have had no luck. I have a letter from the City of SF saying they cannot give me a birth certificate for my Father. He served in the US Army, worked as a Federal employee, had Social Security, etc.. Would any of these records connect my Dad to my Grandfather and be acceptable to the Irish Government? Any ideas?