Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum.
My situation is this: I've just started campaigning for a move to Ireland, which I think in our case won't be too complicated -- but I'm here to ask what I'm overlooking. Relevant facts:
We live in the States.
I'm a U.S. citizen (but, probably irrelevant: I am eligible for dual Italian/U.S. citizenship)
My husband is originally from England and is a dual UK/US citizen.
We have an adult daughter who would move with us. She is still at university. She is also a dual UK/US citizen.
We are both 60, still working, and I doubt we'll ever really fully retire.
My husband is a theoretical mathematician who does scientific programming, usually on a contract basis.
I'm an established writer of novels, published with major houses.
Our household income is about 70 percent from my publishing contracts.
We have a dog and two cats.
So the big questions as I understand them:
1. As the other two in the family are UK citizens, would they be able to take up residence in Ireland (that is, could we buy a house) and work (or go to school) without getting special visas?
2. My publishing contracts are with US publishers but also other countries. Would this present any problem for my residency in Ireland? Would I have to get a visa to take up residence with my family?
3. Would my other two be eligible for Ireland's social medicine? Would I?
Those are the major issues, I think. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.
My situation is this: I've just started campaigning for a move to Ireland, which I think in our case won't be too complicated -- but I'm here to ask what I'm overlooking. Relevant facts:
We live in the States.
I'm a U.S. citizen (but, probably irrelevant: I am eligible for dual Italian/U.S. citizenship)
My husband is originally from England and is a dual UK/US citizen.
We have an adult daughter who would move with us. She is still at university. She is also a dual UK/US citizen.
We are both 60, still working, and I doubt we'll ever really fully retire.
My husband is a theoretical mathematician who does scientific programming, usually on a contract basis.
I'm an established writer of novels, published with major houses.
Our household income is about 70 percent from my publishing contracts.
We have a dog and two cats.
So the big questions as I understand them:
1. As the other two in the family are UK citizens, would they be able to take up residence in Ireland (that is, could we buy a house) and work (or go to school) without getting special visas?
2. My publishing contracts are with US publishers but also other countries. Would this present any problem for my residency in Ireland? Would I have to get a visa to take up residence with my family?
3. Would my other two be eligible for Ireland's social medicine? Would I?
Those are the major issues, I think. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.