I am a student from the Czech Republic, Prague, who decided to take a year off to live in Israel and hopefully stay there forever in the future.......
Its a big step and people think I went crazy, cause Im not finishing school and because Im not Jewish. But I love the country. I spent my childhood and teenage years there when my parents worked there as diplomats, so Israel grew close to my heart and I now feel its my true home.
However, many people are in disbelief that I want to do it. They discourage me, that life is hard, that Im idealizing it, etc.....
But there are also those that really support me and believe in me and are proud to have somebody come to Israel. Im even considering converting to Judaism, since I wanna LIVE live there forever.......
So what do you all think? Is life in Israel really a bad step? I feel like its the right place for me to be, but I would like to know WHAT exactly it is that is so hard about life in Israel, which I might have missed over my plentiful stays there for years.......
Thanks and hope to hear from all of you who have something to say! :)
I am a student from the Czech Republic, Prague, who decided to take a year off to live in Israel and hopefully stay there forever in the future.......
Its a big step and people think I went crazy, cause Im not finishing school and because Im not Jewish. But I love the country. I spent my childhood and teenage years there when my parents worked there as diplomats, so Israel grew close to my heart and I now feel its my true home.
However, many people are in disbelief that I want to do it. They discourage me, that life is hard, that Im idealizing it, etc.....
But there are also those that really support me and believe in me and are proud to have somebody come to Israel. Im even considering converting to Judaism, since I wanna LIVE live there forever.......
So what do you all think? Is life in Israel really a bad step? I feel like its the right place for me to be, but I would like to know WHAT exactly it is that is so hard about life in Israel, which I might have missed over my plentiful stays there for years.......
Thanks and hope to hear from all of you who have something to say! :)