If you are an Israeli citizen or if one of your parents is an Israeli
citizen, and you never resolved your army status in order to get an
exempt from IDF mandatory military service; if you made “Aliyah” but
then left Israel before having enlisting to your army service; or if
you enlisted to the IDF but fled the country before completing your
services, then you may have been given a “deserter status”.
>>What does this mean?<<
If this is the case, then the Israeli military has probably issued a
warrant for your arrest, and you could be arrested upon leaving or
entering the state of Israel. Once apprehended, you will be jailed for
up to 48 hours, during which time you will have limited or no contact
with your family, while military officials review your case in order
to determine what charges to press. If criminal charges are brought
against you, you will probably be remanded throughout all legal
proceedings and until after having served your full prison sentence.
>>What is my army status?<<
Unfortunately, most people who are unaware of their illegal army
status find out about it for the first time upon their arrest. We can
help you determine and resolve your army status ahead of time.
>>Why resolve my Israeli army status now?<<
The longer you are evading the law and the less cooperative you are
with law enforcement officials, the more severe your criminal offense
is considered. It is highly recommended to resolve your case prior to
being apprehended. Depending on the circumstances, you may end up
being discharged administratively, without a criminal conviction or
jail time. On the other hand, you may be court-martialed, face
significant jail time, and receive a punitive discharge. The outcome
of your case will follow you for the rest of your civilian life. That
is why it is imperative to resolve your army status with the
military’s authorities as soon as possible.
>>What if I wait?<<
As a fellow Jew, one can never know when life will lead you back to
Israel. What could be worse than missing out on your best friend’s
wedding, your relative’s funeral, or even your son’s Bar-Mitzvah trip,
all because there might be a warrant out for your arrest? Resolving
your army status is a process, which could be very lengthy in time. It
is therefore important to start the process as soon as possible.
>>Must I be in Israel to start the process?<<
No. As your local representatives we can address relevant officials in
your name, without your presence needed. If your case is applicable
for complete dismissal of charges, you will never have to set foot in
the country.
>>Will I have to do jail time?<<
Not necessarily. This question can be accurately answered only after a
thorough review of your case.
For more useful resource information, please visit http://www.idf-
citizen, and you never resolved your army status in order to get an
exempt from IDF mandatory military service; if you made “Aliyah” but
then left Israel before having enlisting to your army service; or if
you enlisted to the IDF but fled the country before completing your
services, then you may have been given a “deserter status”.
>>What does this mean?<<
If this is the case, then the Israeli military has probably issued a
warrant for your arrest, and you could be arrested upon leaving or
entering the state of Israel. Once apprehended, you will be jailed for
up to 48 hours, during which time you will have limited or no contact
with your family, while military officials review your case in order
to determine what charges to press. If criminal charges are brought
against you, you will probably be remanded throughout all legal
proceedings and until after having served your full prison sentence.
>>What is my army status?<<
Unfortunately, most people who are unaware of their illegal army
status find out about it for the first time upon their arrest. We can
help you determine and resolve your army status ahead of time.
>>Why resolve my Israeli army status now?<<
The longer you are evading the law and the less cooperative you are
with law enforcement officials, the more severe your criminal offense
is considered. It is highly recommended to resolve your case prior to
being apprehended. Depending on the circumstances, you may end up
being discharged administratively, without a criminal conviction or
jail time. On the other hand, you may be court-martialed, face
significant jail time, and receive a punitive discharge. The outcome
of your case will follow you for the rest of your civilian life. That
is why it is imperative to resolve your army status with the
military’s authorities as soon as possible.
>>What if I wait?<<
As a fellow Jew, one can never know when life will lead you back to
Israel. What could be worse than missing out on your best friend’s
wedding, your relative’s funeral, or even your son’s Bar-Mitzvah trip,
all because there might be a warrant out for your arrest? Resolving
your army status is a process, which could be very lengthy in time. It
is therefore important to start the process as soon as possible.
>>Must I be in Israel to start the process?<<
No. As your local representatives we can address relevant officials in
your name, without your presence needed. If your case is applicable
for complete dismissal of charges, you will never have to set foot in
the country.
>>Will I have to do jail time?<<
Not necessarily. This question can be accurately answered only after a
thorough review of your case.
For more useful resource information, please visit http://www.idf-