Hi, I am a recent graduate and applied for a work visa. I researched a bit, and ended up finding someone in agriturismo to help me get a visa! However, we applied for a translator/interpreter visa and I recently found out they will not give me the nulla osta I need in order to apply for the visa! The sportello unico assured me my degree in Italian qualified me as an interpeter/translator, and 6 months later they denied me the nulla osta and said I wasn't qualified! That's Italy though I guess, right? Anyway, now I am interviewing for an american internship placement company that finds internships for people in Italy. The person who did this job before me wasn't given a visa though, but after mentioning the word visa to my employer they said they may be able to help with the paperwork, ie get me a visa!. I really want the job but am scared of the risks involved with working in italy without a visa. Does anyone know what kind of visa I would need in this case? I think if I get all the details i could possibly talk my employer into doing the paperwork.. I was reading about 21 types of visas, but wasn't sure if this qualifies me under the "made employment" type or if it would be more "self employment". If any one is an expert with Italian visas I would LOVE any help! Grazie tanto