Tuesday October 1st @8:30
International Aperitif
REC23 (Testaccio) Piazza dell'Emporio 2
Meet new friends in an old city- Let's socialize with an international crowd. Exchange ideas, business cards, info, and sometimes phone numbers!!
Cost with full buffet €10 food & drink - 2nd drinks Beer/Wine €5 Cocktails menu price
Info in ENGLISH call ? 338.677.1753 Info in ITALIAN and FRANCAIS ?339.48.24.004
If it is your first time please try your best to be on time.
Public Transport:http://www.atac.roma.it/index.asp?lingua=ENG
If you are attending for the first time please introduce yourself to me or someone on the team so that we can welcome you. click here to see who the people behind the scene are http://www.expatslivinginrome.com/THE-E-TEAM.html
Find us on line here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/expatslivinginrome/
Need more help? Email [email protected]
4 WEEKS ITALIAN INTENSIVE COURSE Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:30-12:30 (ZERO LEVEL) or 12:45-14:45 (ADVANCED BEGINNER) COST ONLY €150.00 + €40 ENROLLMENT FEE - Intensive classes start on September 17th
Speakiamo English and Spanish: Puoi iscriverti da oggi ai nostri corsi con insegnanti madrelingua. la prima lezione di prova è gratuita. http://www.expatslivinginrome.com/ENGLISH-LESSONS.html
Thank you
Expats living in Rome & The E-Team
Check out the E-Team here
Tuesday October 1st @8:30
International Aperitif
REC23 (Testaccio) Piazza dell'Emporio 2
Meet new friends in an old city- Let's socialize with an international crowd. Exchange ideas, business cards, info, and sometimes phone numbers!!
Cost with full buffet €10 food & drink - 2nd drinks Beer/Wine €5 Cocktails menu price
Info in ENGLISH call ? 338.677.1753 Info in ITALIAN and FRANCAIS ?339.48.24.004
If it is your first time please try your best to be on time.
Public Transport:http://www.atac.roma.it/index.asp?lingua=ENG
If you are attending for the first time please introduce yourself to me or someone on the team so that we can welcome you. click here to see who the people behind the scene are http://www.expatslivinginrome.com/THE-E-TEAM.html
Find us on line here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/expatslivinginrome/
Need more help? Email [email protected]
4 WEEKS ITALIAN INTENSIVE COURSE Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:30-12:30 (ZERO LEVEL) or 12:45-14:45 (ADVANCED BEGINNER) COST ONLY €150.00 + €40 ENROLLMENT FEE - Intensive classes start on September 17th
Speakiamo English and Spanish: Puoi iscriverti da oggi ai nostri corsi con insegnanti madrelingua. la prima lezione di prova è gratuita. http://www.expatslivinginrome.com/ENGLISH-LESSONS.html
Thank you
Expats living in Rome & The E-Team
Check out the E-Team here