hello everyone. I'm old and tired. I'm single, white, 66 years old male. I've been active my whole life having played American football and training racehorses but recent bouts with debilitating spine and joint problems have slowed me way down. I have $1,200.mo social security and about $80,000 in retirement funds I've never touched. I live a very frugal existence in a lovely northeast town in the united states. I've been a lifelong resident of the u s and never have traveled to Italy. I have, however, been granted my Italian citizenship and passport thru "jure sanguinis".
I am greatly disillusioned with life in America. my ancestors are from the village of "castile campangiano", Caserta and I'm registered in that aire. I just want to leave the American rat race and find some peace and tranquility for my remaining years. I am alone with no indebtedness and/or ties. I long for the 60;s in attitude and mentality.
is Italy a realistic option for me in your opinion ?
I am greatly disillusioned with life in America. my ancestors are from the village of "castile campangiano", Caserta and I'm registered in that aire. I just want to leave the American rat race and find some peace and tranquility for my remaining years. I am alone with no indebtedness and/or ties. I long for the 60;s in attitude and mentality.
is Italy a realistic option for me in your opinion ?