I am an individual hosting a crowd funding campaign on Kickstarter in Italy for the developers of the project who are Indians, as Indian citizens are not allowed to host a KS campaign. I am also connected with the project as a App developer.
My personal bank account is linked with Kickstarter and hence all the funds raised on Kickstarter will be transferred to my account after 14 days of completion of campaign. We are expecting approx 150,000 Euro to be raised. I will transfer it to my Indian counterparts’ bank account once I receive the funds. I am a student and studying on Scholarship in Italy and do not have any other income.
The rewards will be directly shipped from India to the backers and I will just receive a commission on the told amount raised.
I need a clarification whether I will be liable to any VAT or any other tax in Italy.
My personal bank account is linked with Kickstarter and hence all the funds raised on Kickstarter will be transferred to my account after 14 days of completion of campaign. We are expecting approx 150,000 Euro to be raised. I will transfer it to my Indian counterparts’ bank account once I receive the funds. I am a student and studying on Scholarship in Italy and do not have any other income.
The rewards will be directly shipped from India to the backers and I will just receive a commission on the told amount raised.
I need a clarification whether I will be liable to any VAT or any other tax in Italy.