Does anyone have any advise on moving to Umbria - it has been a dream of mine for the past couple years (I am really interested in the smaller towns rather than big city life). I am living in Toronto and really want a change of pace and a warmer climate. I lived in Italy when I was a child and therefore can speak the language reasonably well, I also have an EU passport but I feel like fear gets the better of me sometimes. I have a small boy who would be starting school and I have no clue how renting works in Italy. i was imagining a town with something like a farmhouse property or something away from any noise, I also need to work however- what do Italian single working mums do with their kids for afterschool pick up and care,? Where can I search for rentals other than, does anyone have an opinion on assissi? Any recomendations to areas with an expat community where i could make some friends?