If an Italian resident EU citizen expat, with a carta d'identita but not a permesso di soggiorno, leaves Italy for a few months during the 5 year qualifying period to become a permanent resident, does the clock get reset? I've seen that permanent residents are allowed an absence of up to 2 years, but can't find info for more recent arrivals. My Italian is good enough to read the rules, if someone could post a link, but I don't know enough jargon to find them myself.
If longish absences are allowed, does it matter if they are to work in the country of origin, as opposed to just going on holiday? In my industry short-term assignments are very common, and a temporary return home for a 1 or 2 month contract would be worthwhile. Recruiters keep sending me these jobs on Linkedin, and I'm tempted.
As a British citizen though, I really don't want to throw away my chance of permanent residence over here. Resetting the timer at this point would probably mean I never qualify, with the Brexit deadline coming up.
If longish absences are allowed, does it matter if they are to work in the country of origin, as opposed to just going on holiday? In my industry short-term assignments are very common, and a temporary return home for a 1 or 2 month contract would be worthwhile. Recruiters keep sending me these jobs on Linkedin, and I'm tempted.
As a British citizen though, I really don't want to throw away my chance of permanent residence over here. Resetting the timer at this point would probably mean I never qualify, with the Brexit deadline coming up.