I am a newbie, my first post! Anyway in a nutshell we live in Texas and my husband is a dual citizen (Italy-US) He just regained dual citizenship about 2 years ago. We have three children and have not begun any citizenship paperwork yet for me and the children. We want to move to Trieste for two years so the kids can go to an international school and learn Italian and get to know that side of the family. My husband will not exactly move with us but will continue working in the US and will travel and back forth to visit us but not longer than a few months at a time (assuming he gets to take a leave of absence at work in the US) I will not work in Italy most likely. We own a small condo near Trieste that belonged to his mother, now passed away. We could use this condo as our residence if we opt for the resident visa for me and the children and we can prove we have sufficient income to support ourselves for those two years. So do we just go for the resident visa or attempt to do the citizenship for me and children. The only complication our consulate now is located in Houston but we were married and the children were born in South Dakota so the Chicago consulate covers that area. Sounds like it would be very complicated to deal with two consulates unless we begin the citizenship process once we are already in Italy? Sorry so complicated but just trying to figure out the best way to proceed! Thanks for any tips