I'm traveling soon to Italy in order to apply for citizen ship based on jure sanguinis and I'd appreciate advice on what city would be the best to apply in. I understand that I need to declare my citizenship intention and reside for 45 days and then submit my application materials. But I've read that the process goes quicker in some places than others. So, I would appreciate it if anyone has experience on where would be the best place in terms of a successful outcome in a reasonable time. For example, if I reside in Milano and yet my ancestors are from Sicilia will regionalistic feeling make them less likely than the office in Palermo to advance my application? Is a big city more likely to provide quick service than a tiny remote city (my ancestors are from Castelvetrano)? I understand that I need to live there for at least a couple of months (and possibly longer) so this is a big decision for me. I have friends in some of the bigger cities, and they might be willing to travel with me to help translate at least once, but I don't want to push it. They'd be more likely to help multiple times if they didn't have to travel.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help.