Well we have arrived in Padova and have been informed by the local Questura that the info provided to me by il Consulato italiano in SF was NOT accurate for this region. First off, I am being asked to do a very complicated procedure for dichiarazione di presenza. Which precedes, according to them, the need for permesso di soggiorno. They are not recognizing my US family’s insurance plan and are asking me to buy a policy form Europ Assitance called Medico Nostop Italy at €406 (for 1 month) for my family (3 of us)! My first question for you all: do I have any other options? The funny (frustrating) part is that in order to buy one of these policies you need to be a resident of Italy! So now, I am in the process of finding an Italian person who is willing to buy this policy, which I need in order to obtain residency, for eventually obtaining citizenship —it’s like a convoluted puzzle and each piece leads to another set of problems! Aiuto ragazzi! Are there health insurance plans that Italy will recognize other than this? They specified, “ no travelers insurance.”
The trips to the Questura have been intense and challenging, lining up outside early in the morning with 50-100 immigrants, mostly African, but many Asians, as well. Then waiting in hot , humid rooms (it’s in the mid 90’s each day here) for the slow wheels of the Italian bureaucracy to move— we’re talking 3-5 hours a day.
Most of my info about regaining citizenship was inaccurate, at least for Padova. I will have more questions later for now, any ideas on this insurance question?
The trips to the Questura have been intense and challenging, lining up outside early in the morning with 50-100 immigrants, mostly African, but many Asians, as well. Then waiting in hot , humid rooms (it’s in the mid 90’s each day here) for the slow wheels of the Italian bureaucracy to move— we’re talking 3-5 hours a day.
Most of my info about regaining citizenship was inaccurate, at least for Padova. I will have more questions later for now, any ideas on this insurance question?