So...a continuing saga, hopefully, with a good ending.
I recently spoke with a commercialista in Trieste who speaks English, and who thinks I might not have to pay taxes on my Social Security b/c I live in the Free Territory of Trieste and there is a clause in Annex X of the Treaty that states that the Free Territory shall be exempt from the payment of the Italian debt. (I have the document.)
He has suggested that I contact a proper government official in the US for clarification. I told him that someone in Trieste should be able to give me an answer, however, he said that the local gov't acts as if no Treaty were in place; so a mute point.
So...with that said any suggestions for how to go about this and/or who would be best to contact? He suggested foreign office, an embassy or the International fiscal agency (assuming that's IRS?) I doubt that any of them would know, but as taxes aren't due until July, I thought it's worth a try.
Thanks again, in advance.
I recently spoke with a commercialista in Trieste who speaks English, and who thinks I might not have to pay taxes on my Social Security b/c I live in the Free Territory of Trieste and there is a clause in Annex X of the Treaty that states that the Free Territory shall be exempt from the payment of the Italian debt. (I have the document.)
He has suggested that I contact a proper government official in the US for clarification. I told him that someone in Trieste should be able to give me an answer, however, he said that the local gov't acts as if no Treaty were in place; so a mute point.
So...with that said any suggestions for how to go about this and/or who would be best to contact? He suggested foreign office, an embassy or the International fiscal agency (assuming that's IRS?) I doubt that any of them would know, but as taxes aren't due until July, I thought it's worth a try.
Thanks again, in advance.