Hello Everyone. Can you please help me, im very confused. I would like to apply for 'Dual Citizenship' for myself & my 17 year old in Italy, not in USA. My 17 year old will be 18 yrs old in July. I do qualify under my father who was born in Italy. Our purpose is to live in Italy. I cannot work as i am on disability . My means of income is Social Security disability(SSDI) and child support payments for my son. My questions are as follows: #1-How do i get the forms beforehand, is it something i can download for Dual Citizenship? If so where do i download them from? If not where do i get the forms? #2- Does my 17 yr old & I need a Visa, before we leave for Italy, obtained in the USA? , since i dont know if it will take more than 3 months to process? If so, where do i get the Visa from? I read someplace you no longer need a visa in 2019 for Dual Citzenship to apply in Italy, is that true?#3- Do i apply directly for a Dual Citizenship in Italy, and where do i apply? #4- Do i need a Permesso Di Sogiorno since it may take more than 3 months to process our Dual Citizenship, or can we stay if it takes longer than 3 months by just applying for the Dual Citizenship (*This is where im really confused*)??#5- Where can i find all the requirements and documents needed for Dual Citizenship or Permesso Di Sogiorno, if we even need a permesso Di Sogiorno? #6- Do we need to have money in the bank for Dual Citizenship or for Permesso Di Sogiorno, if so how much monthly or yearly, or? #6- Do i need to show proof of health Insurance? #7- Do i need to show proof that i am renting an apartment or house? If so, its very hard to get a rental contract without actually haveing the documents done, would they accept a hotel we are staying at all the time that we will be processing our paperwork? #8 Any other suggestions and ideas that i may have missed here would be gladly appreciated.... Thank you!