Buongiorno We will be arriving in Italia to get our Citizenship recognized. There are a few procedures I need to get more information on.
Will we need 3 original sets of documents for each application, meaning 1 set of documents for PdS, a set of documents for Residency, a set of documents for citizenship - set of documents meaning birth certificate,, etc...?
Wherever we get our citizenship recognized will that be our "home" commune where we apply? If we move from that commune if we need paperwork or anything after having our citizenship recognized we contact them?
what will we receive in the end what document is it that we are recognized as citizens?
Do we apply for Italian passport right after we receive citizenship? Where do you apply for that? Can we apply for passport while citizenship being processed?
Can any of the PdS packet forms or citizenship forms be accessed before we leave for Italy so I can print them?
Is their a fee schedule somewhere that has the current fees for Pds & citizenship?
Will we need 3 original sets of documents for each application, meaning 1 set of documents for PdS, a set of documents for Residency, a set of documents for citizenship - set of documents meaning birth certificate,, etc...?
Wherever we get our citizenship recognized will that be our "home" commune where we apply? If we move from that commune if we need paperwork or anything after having our citizenship recognized we contact them?
what will we receive in the end what document is it that we are recognized as citizens?
Do we apply for Italian passport right after we receive citizenship? Where do you apply for that? Can we apply for passport while citizenship being processed?
Can any of the PdS packet forms or citizenship forms be accessed before we leave for Italy so I can print them?
Is their a fee schedule somewhere that has the current fees for Pds & citizenship?