Hello Everyone! This may be lengthy but I have alot of questions. We(myself & 2 adult twin daughters 21 yrs old) have all my documents needed for Jure Sanguinis through my father. We want to come to Italy around November of this year, 2021 to process our Italian citizenship( current American citizens). Which big cities in Italy would be best to process our citizenship? We will not have a vehicle so need access to the train & walking distance to grocery or food. My daughters both want to attend Universities in Italy just decideing where. We want a lively city with nightlife for all 3 of us since we are all single( single parent here). We also want somewhere where its very safe for 3 women to live by themselves with no breakins etc. or be able to take walks, etc. So basically we need most everything walking distance or train distance. We may rent a car not sure yet till we purchase one. We want to know if there are apartment rentals for just short term like month to month and how all that works? We will stay while we process our papers then go back to states to sell my home then come and live in Italy, so this is why we need a month to month. Does anyone know where we can find out who does month to month leasing? or if not that then every 3-6 months leasing and where? Also we just need a really small apartment just to be able to sleep and eat since it is just to process our citizenship which we need an actual place to process citizenship because they do come and check to see if its legit! We also would like an area where there are NEW build apartments if possible..Thanks in advance! Grazie! :)