A colleague of mine, newly retired is planning on a move to Italy. She has her dual citizenship so that is not an issue. Her parameters are - close to the sea, within an hour or so of an airport since she has a grandson in Germany she wants to visit often and does not want to have to spend an entire day getting there and in an area with a relativly warm winter climate, since she has always lived in the caribbean or Florida. As to the location near the sea she insists that it has to have crystal clear water most of the time. She is looking at the Ligurian coast north of La Spezia, the area around Viareggio, the Cilento coast around Castellammare or Apulia around Gallipoli. I would add close to good hospital/medical facility and not some ugly industrial city. She and her boyfriend are big walkers and bikers as well. With all that said, can anyone comment on her potential selections or make another recommendation? She has ruled out Sardinia and Sicily. I have given her my opinion but wanted to see what the group has to say. Thanks in advance.