I have read that one must apply for the PdiSoggiorno within 8 days. What happens if one applies a few days later? We arrived in Italy on July 30 but did not arrive in our town until the 2nd of August. Made an application on August 8. I just received the below text message in reference to my appointment at the Immigration office in Genova....Note the date! It is one year from now! How can this be? This seems more like a renewal versus a first-time PdS.
Rif. Assicurata 05597988xxx, Rif. Istanza 16901852xxxx: Comunichiamo convocazione il 29/08/2024 alle 10:38 per FOTOSEGNALAMENTO. Convocazione presso Ufficio Immigrazione Genova di GENOVA, Via G. D'ANNUNZIO, 80