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girl moving to Abidjan jan'10

14 years ago

I'm 25yo spanish girl and I'm moving to Abidjan in January 2010 to work in Marketing for at least a year.
I am very motivated but I have some doubts I would like to share with all of you. I'd very appreciate if you could give me some advice!!

1.- Areas to live I have read Zone 4 and Cocodis are the best ones. Is it very expensive a studio or small appartment?

2.- Is it easy to find expats in my same situation? Do you fancy going out and do activities during the weekends?

3.- What about the weather? Is it THAT hot??? Lots of raining??

4.- I'll probably will have to buy a car. Recommend place to buy it? Or...do you know anyone who sells one??

5.- My salary will be in CFA...is it too bad?¿? How much do we have to pay on taxes? Any good bank? Do you monthly transfer your savings to your country?

6.- Do you have any idea of what's the approximative salary for a Junior position in Marketing for an expat in Africa?

I know is much to ask but I have thousands of doubts! Taking the decision of "changing my life" to go to Africa by myself is not that easy!!!!

Thank you all!!!!

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