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Survey of Expatriates in the Caribbean

17 years ago
Hello I am a professor of geography at Queens University in Canada and I am currently conducting research on the contribution of first world migrants to the changing economies and societies of the Caribbean. I am particularly interested in knowing more about the reasons why skilled persons from first world countries migrate to the Caribbean, their characteristics, their roles in Caribbean labour markets and the challenges and opportunities that life in the region presents. Could you take approximately twenty minutes, to answer the questions in my online survey? You will be asked to complete few questions about yourself such as your occupation, education, age, the length of time, and reason for deciding to live in the Caribbean and so on. Please feel free to ask questions about the research if you have any. I will be happy to explain anything in greater detail if you wish.

Our survey can be found at the following URL:

William Russell
William Russell


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William Russell
William Russell

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