my husband has been in nagoya for 6 weeks now, the children and I are due to fly out in Jan. I do no want to go. I have been reluctantly involved in this xpat assingment from the start and as the time approaches i just dread the time i have to leave the states. we live on 3 beautiful acres in a big new home and are relocating to a very small home in nagoya, far from the expat community cuz there wasn't any rentals available. My teenage daughters from my previous marriage just refuse to go. the are now living with their father. They are perfectly fine and have grandparents, including my parents and sisters in the area but i am besieiged with feelings of guilt and that i am abandoning them. They are fine with that and are staying in the same school district that they have attended since kindergarden. They are allowed 4 company paid trips over and we can fly them over also, they are 13 and 15. We have to relocate 2 dogs to japan, one is 15 years old. I just dread