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Education business in Amman

12 years ago
Salamou Alaikoum,

We are Australian citizens looking to move to Amman permanently. Both my wife and I run a very successful educational services company here in Sydney. Students come to our tutoring centre after school, 2 hours per week. We specialise in teaching K-12 students Mathematics and English. Both of us are qualified with Masters degree in Teaching and several years in running this sort of business. We are currently researching the business concept in Amman and whether it is a viable business venture. We are willing to shift our business model to suit the market in Amman as well inshAllah. Is there demand in Amman for private tutoring in such a setting and if you need more information please visit our website www.stepaheadcoaching.com.au If anyone has any experience or thoughts on this topic, their help would be much appreciated.

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