Hello all,
I work for a mobile connectivity company in Singapore. We provide SMS / TXT connectivity to banks and retailers, enabling them to send SMS to mobile phones worldwide. Most of our messages are one-time PINs to secure online banking, airline booking confirmations, ticket confirmations etc.
We're looking at expanding into South Korea but first need to get an idea how well our messaging coverage works. We're therefore looking for volunteers to receive a few test messages on your mobile phone.
Specifically, we're looking for volunteers who have an active South Korean phone on the KT, LG (U+) or SK networks and who are not roaming (i.e. you are currently in Korea). We'll ask for your phone number, and will send you a series of 5 - 10 test messages over the next 2 weeks. Each time you receive a test message, we'd ask that you email us the details (date/time, test code from the message, etc) as soon as it's convenient.
In return for your help, we'd be happy to send each selected participant a US$10 Amazon.com gift voucher to say thanks.
If you're wiling to help, please send me a PM (or email to [email protected]) with your email address and mobile number. Please don't post your phone number publicly here! We'll notify those people who we've selected for the test and email you further details with how the test process works.
Once the test is complete, we'll not SMS / TXT you again unless you consent to participating in a further test. No spamming, no sharing of your details - promise!
Thanks in advance,
I work for a mobile connectivity company in Singapore. We provide SMS / TXT connectivity to banks and retailers, enabling them to send SMS to mobile phones worldwide. Most of our messages are one-time PINs to secure online banking, airline booking confirmations, ticket confirmations etc.
We're looking at expanding into South Korea but first need to get an idea how well our messaging coverage works. We're therefore looking for volunteers to receive a few test messages on your mobile phone.
Specifically, we're looking for volunteers who have an active South Korean phone on the KT, LG (U+) or SK networks and who are not roaming (i.e. you are currently in Korea). We'll ask for your phone number, and will send you a series of 5 - 10 test messages over the next 2 weeks. Each time you receive a test message, we'd ask that you email us the details (date/time, test code from the message, etc) as soon as it's convenient.
In return for your help, we'd be happy to send each selected participant a US$10 Amazon.com gift voucher to say thanks.
If you're wiling to help, please send me a PM (or email to [email protected]) with your email address and mobile number. Please don't post your phone number publicly here! We'll notify those people who we've selected for the test and email you further details with how the test process works.
Once the test is complete, we'll not SMS / TXT you again unless you consent to participating in a further test. No spamming, no sharing of your details - promise!
Thanks in advance,