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Teaching English in Lithuania

11 years ago
Hello, I want to move to Lithuania come next year as an English teacher in Kaunas or Vilnius. I am a masters graduate with a TEFL certificate and I have visited both cities many a time and have a lot of friends there. However, my friends can't help when it comes to how I would go about finding a job as an English teacher! I am not sure when schools would be hiring, what type of schools I could perhaps work for etc.

To clarify, I am actually genuinely enthusiastic to teach English, I haven't completed the qualification just so I can party around the world or something. I also really like Lithuania and I am fully aware of cost of living etc, I am also learning Lithuanian. I just really would love help from absolutely anyone. Please no 'you're crazy to move here' posts or something, I've heard them all by now :D




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