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UK: Transformers - Yes or No?

22 years ago
Moving from the US to the UK. Is it worth it to buy a couple of step down transformers and bring my own electronica (computer, tv, blender, ect.)?

AGS Worldwide Movers
AGS Worldwide Movers
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Allianz Care

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Allianz CareAllianz Care

Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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Expats-in-Honduras10 Tips for Living in Honduras

Expats offer tips and insight into what it's like to live in Honduras. The discuss crime in Honduras, the slow pace of life, culture shock, where to live in Honduras and more.

Expats offer tips and insight into what it's like to live in Honduras. The discuss crime in Honduras, the slow pace of life, culture shock, where to live in Honduras and more. ...

Living-in-MacedoniaPros and Cons of Living in Macedonia

If you're moving to Macedonia, it's important to learn about both the Pros AND Cons of living in Macedonia.

If you're moving to Macedonia, it's important to learn about both the Pros AND Cons of living in Macedonia. ...

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From the best beach towns to buying property, expats in El Salvador offer advice for expats and people moving to El Salvador....

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Get ready to move to China with your pets. This guide provides key information on vaccinations, what you can bring to China, travel tips, and more, helping to avoid problems when you relocate with your pet.

Get ready to move to China with your pets. This guide provides key information on vaccinations, what you can bring to China, travel tips, and more, helping to avoid problems when you relocate with you...

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