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Why is it so difficult?

21 years ago
Sorry to sound like a malcontent here but why is it so difficult to relocate to Europe after your European parents/Grandparents have come to Canada,USA,Astrailia,ect...Its not fair. Especially Canadians, seem to have trouble, Even the UK doesn't seem to want them. I realley feel in a bind. I can speak German,am Ethnically german but I don't qualify for refugee status, so they figure why let you stay in Europe? I just feel that Canada has taken in so many people I would figure that other countries would allow suitable people to emmigrate , I don't work for a big international company, and have little money, but I ahve skills and would try to fit in. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Can anybody give some practical advice on finding some way to stay for a lonf time? Much appreciated. [email protected]

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