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Baltimore to England

21 years ago
I'm moving from Maryland to the UK this summer on a fiance visa, but my home is in Seattle. I'm in a quandry about what to do with my things! I have enough stuff to fill a one bedroom apartment and will try to sell as much as I can, but know I will still end up with quite a bit. I still have things in storage in Seattle and am thinking about moving everything from Baltimore to Seattle, storing it there and then making a plan to ship it when we are settled in the UK. I will need a few things immediately (i.e. my computer, TV/VCR, stereo, clothes, cookware) . However, I am clueless about the cost of shipping or how to go about it. Plus, I am paying for my own shipping expenses. Any advice or recommendations on which company to use for shipping? Thanks! Carolyn

William Russell
William Russell
Cigna Global Health
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