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Estimate Living cost in Norway!

21 years ago
I am not an American but consider myself as I am adopt-american as I was an exchange student in Wisconsin and still have my "american" family and friends after 15 years now. I have just actually travel to visit them for a weekend while went to a business meeting at Houston,TX. Just as info I am Brazilian. I have an offer to move as an expat to Oslo, Norway. I am trying to find information on average cost of living for a single person. I have been to Norway a few time so I know prices are high and etc. But leaving abroad do not means parting all the time. I am actually interesting in estimate average cost for supermarket, gym fees, clothes, phone, cable tv, eletricity, etc. The mainly reason is that I already know the exact amount I would receive and I am kind of concerned. I have already checked may prices on Internet but nothing like a "real" local estimate.
Thanks for any answer in advance,
Marco Antonio

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