I wonder if you can help! It appears plenty of people appear to be asking the same question! Sorry to be another statistic but I am looking to relocate to Muscat in January 06. My boyfriend is working in Muscat and in a nutshell, and being romantics at heart, we want to be together(he is American therefore not much good on what needs to be done from Blighty!)!
Having lived in Yorkshire for most of my life its a big step and I am already receiving different reports of which visa to get! I have already visited Muscat and am familiar with how the land lies there. Any advice on visas, finding work (i know you need a sponsor but if anyone knows of any good websites), health insurance, medical, banking (do i need to change bank accounts to one over there), the tax (never lived abroad before and have no idea whether i can just up sticks and go!) and a list of the basics i need to prepare/organise before i go!
I understand i am asking for alot - your help and guidance is much appreciated!
I wonder if you can help! It appears plenty of people appear to be asking the same question! Sorry to be another statistic but I am looking to relocate to Muscat in January 06. My boyfriend is working in Muscat and in a nutshell, and being romantics at heart, we want to be together(he is American therefore not much good on what needs to be done from Blighty!)!
Having lived in Yorkshire for most of my life its a big step and I am already receiving different reports of which visa to get! I have already visited Muscat and am familiar with how the land lies there. Any advice on visas, finding work (i know you need a sponsor but if anyone knows of any good websites), health insurance, medical, banking (do i need to change bank accounts to one over there), the tax (never lived abroad before and have no idea whether i can just up sticks and go!) and a list of the basics i need to prepare/organise before i go!
I understand i am asking for alot - your help and guidance is much appreciated!