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Panama Visitors Information

11 years ago
Panama Hotels & B&Bs
Panama City & Balboa:
Albrook Inn: Old U.S. Air Force base in the Visiting Offices' Quarters http://albrookinn.com (should have a car to stay here & be familiar with the area)
Balboa Inn B&B: Balboa [email protected] 314-1520
Inn on the Canal B&B: La Boca/Balboa, [email protected] 314-0112
Esplenador Hotel, Banking District, http://www.esplendorpanama.com/site/home/en/the_hotel
Av. Samuel Lewis y Calle Gerardo Ortega ( NULL)
RESERVATION +507 209-9696
Front Desk 507 209-9600 [email protected]
###La Estencia B&B: La Estencia B&B, conveniently located to good shopping, casino, restaurants/cafes, supermarket, drug stores, etc. My favorite Bed & Breakfast in the old Canal Area is located on the old U.S. military Southern Command Headquarters area on Ancon Hill. Owned by a great Asian couple, Gastavo & Tammy Lu, it is an old U.S Military NCO quarters building converted to a B&B. Great animal watching at breakfast from their balcony. Office: 314-1417&1604 email: [email protected] Website: www.bedandbreakfastpanama.com , www.panoramicpanama.com
***Hotel Las Vegas: El Cangrejo
[email protected] 507-300-2020
***Hotel Marbella: El Cangrejo, see http://www.hmarbella.com/welcome.php 263-2220
***Hotel Milan: El Cangrejo, see http://www.frommers.com/destinations/panamacity/H56896.html [email protected] 263-6130 Fax 263-7723
***Torres de Alba Apartment Hotel, El Cangrejo see: http://www.torresdealba.com.pa/english.htm email: [email protected]
Tantalo Hotel, Casco Viejo see: http://www.tantalohotel.com/contact.php

***My favorites in Panama City, El Cangrego area, convenient to good shopping, casino, restaurants/cafes, supermarket, drug stores, etc.
###My favorite Bed & Breakfast

Beaches including Azuero Peninsular :
Breezes Resort, Playa Blanca: http://www.vacationscostarica.com/panama/hotels/breezes.htm
Casita Margarita B&B, Pedasí: www.pedasihotel.com email [email protected] phone 995-2898

Casita Margarita, Pedasi: See: http://www.pedasihotel.com/

Chitre, Wyndham Grand Resort : Alan Morrison [email protected]

Coronado Bay Hotel/Condos & Golf:
Liz Larroquette
Sales Coronado Bay & Coronado Golf
Tel. 345-3900
Cel. 6981-1717
Email: [email protected]
Corowalk Inn, Coronado by the PanAm hwy & the El Rey Super Mercado, on the 2nd level of the bldg.
www.hotalesdelpacifico.com phone: 240-1516 FAX 240-1135
DeCameron Resort, Playa Blanca-Farallón
Gaviota, Coronado
JW Marriott Panama Golf & Beach Resort Rio Hato, See: http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/ptyjw-jw-marriott-panama-golf-and-beach-resort/
Royalton Hotel, Playa Blanca,
http://www.latinexplore.com/services/s2962_royalton-hotel-playa-blanca More info, see: http://www.thepanamanews.com/pn/v_17/issue_04/economy_13.html
Playa Venao-El Sitio Resort & Surf Club Azuero Peninsular 6.5 hour drive west of Panama City, site of annual surf competition Email
[email protected] Phone (597)-832-1010 Web info: www.elsitiohotel.com & http://www.leisureresortliving.com/category/197/Resort-Residences-and-Communities/listings/150/Playa-Venao-Villas.html
Rio Mar Surf & Skate Camp, Owned by canal tug captain Alan Barnes, Email:
[email protected] Web info: http://prueba.riomarsurf.com/index.php Phones: 345-4010 or Cell 6675-2526
Santa Clara: La Sirenas Casitas http://www.lasirenas.com/ email: [email protected]
Telephone: (507) 993-3235
(507) 6671-7888
(507) 6550-2500

THE HAVEN health spa, health clinic, fitness center and hotel
luxury mountain retreat, Boquete, Panama www.boquetespa.com
Phone: (001 507) 730 9345 Email:
[email protected] or [email protected]
Finca Lerida:
http://centralamerica.com/panama/hotel/fincalerida.htm E-mail to [email protected] e-mail Reservation Form Toll free from the US or Canada at 1-888-535-8832 / 1-800-948-3770
Hotel Ladera:
http://www.hotel-ladera.com/ email: [email protected] Telephone 507-730-9000
Oasis B&B:

Chiriqui Province:

Bocas Del Mar Resort, in Boca Chica, is a unique with modern features which including eleven guest bungalows. It is situated on the Gulf of Chiriqui¬ Marine National Park about 45 minute drive east of David. For more information see


Torti, Panama: about 2 hour drive east of Panama City toward the Darien includes the Hotel Avicar and Restaurant Avicar. The hotel, is a 10 room hotel with swimming pool. Prices ranges depending on the occupancy (beds) from 35.00 to 50.00 US Dollars. The food at the restaurant is a la carte and it ranges from 3.00 to 5.00 US Dollars (steak with rice and salad). Bird watching & jungle tours, for more information contact Luis Gonzalez Nelson at [email protected] or see: www.hotelavicar.com

Washington Hotel: http://radisson67-px.trvlclick.com/cuidad-de-colon-hotel-pa-0301-01074/papaco Email [email protected] Phone: 441-7133 History of the hotel: http://www.angelfire.com/tx/CZAngelsSpace/HoWashington.html

Gamboa Rain Forrest Resort: Located 30 minutes from Panama City, Gamboa Rainforest Resort is a unique property nearby the Soberania National Park Rainforest, on the banks of the Chagres River and Panama Canal. Website: http://www.gamboaresort.com/
Ivan´s Bed & Breakfast Birding Lodge, Gamboa:
Some facts about the owners & the B&B
-Ivan & Gladys Ortiz ( Owners and Operators )
- Landline 507 314-9436 mobile 507-6981-4583
-We are a family operated B&B comprising of 4 rooms with a birding and nature observation objectives
-No restaurants, bars or shopping facilities in the Gamboa area except the Rainforest Resort
-Homemade dinners are available under previous arrangments and arrival at our lodge as an option to our guest at extra cost
-breakfast is included in nightly rate
-we do not cook lunches.
-Panama´s current bird species count is 972, Panama Central ( Gamboa ) over 300 species
- The worldwide nature and birding iconic Pipeline Road is located about 2 Km, walking distance from our lodge.
-all transactions at our lodge are cash basis only
-2 ATM´s are available in the Town of Gamboa
reservations and information email:[email protected]
Jungle Lodge & Tours: http://www.qg.com/smartools/ebook/hosted.rails?issue=0bee948c4a67441fb569e8f7b860ef127de991b649994199bc02e8f7b860ef12

El Valle:

1 ½ hour drive west of Panama City located in an extinct volcano crater, know for it’s week end “Flee Markets”, cooler temperatures & Eco environment:
Hotel Los Capitanes: 15 rooms, tel #: 983-6080 [email protected] and website http://www.panamainfo.com/loscapitanes/
The Anton Valley Hotel:
983-6097 or 6484-5978
The Golden Frog Inn:
8 rooms, Suites
Phone: 983-6117
Cell Phone: 6565-8307
[email protected]
Rincon Vallero:
14 Rooms Tel #: 983-6175/264-9119 Includes breakfast.
[email protected] and their website is at http://hotelrinconvallero.com/
Park Eden Bed & Breakfast:
5 rooms Tel #: 983-6167 / 226-8858
Info: www.parkeden.com & www.panamainfo.com/parkeden [email protected] 5+ rooms, includes full breakfast 2 persons per room, additional cost per each additional person. No restaurant.
La Casa de Lourdes
El Valle de Antón, Panama Hotel: 507-983-6645 Restaurant: 507-983-6450
[email protected]
http://www.lacasadelourdes.com/home.htm Breakfast included...
Los Mandarinos Boutique Hotel & Spa (adjacent and part of a magnificent complex with Casa de Lourdes)

Boutique Hotel & Restaurante
http://www.losmandarinos.com/ [email protected]
Crater Valley Adventure Spa:
8 Rooms Tel #: 983-6942
http://www.crater-valley.com/ [email protected] Tel #: 215-2326 & 983-6942 Fax: 215-2329
Taboga Island:
B&B Hotel Cerrito Tropical, Isla Taboga,
Owner/operator: Cynthia Cudmore Mulder
Email: [email protected]
Webpage: www.cerritotropicalpanama.com
Web: http://www.tabogaislandhotel.com
Fiesta del Mar (2012, 2nd annual event): http://www.fiestadelmarpanama.com/
Taboga Blog: http://www.cerritotropicalpanama.com/blog/

Hotel Don Tavo http://www.volcanbaru.com/hoteldontavo/index.html
Cielito Sur B&B
: located between the towns of Cerro Punta and Volcan in the Province of Chiriqui.http://www.cielitosur.com/ ?
My favorite places to eat in Panama City:
Balboa Yacht Club, Amador beside Country Inn & Suites & FGI Fridays on the Panama Canal (typical Panama food +), great for sunset drink, week end live live music with local groups.
Calle Uruguay has many good restaurants, clubs and bars, it is like the “South Beach“ of the city. Located one block east of Frederico Boyd & south of Calle 50.
Vegetarian Restaurants in Panama City.
Me gusta Comida Vegetariana is off via España on the side street between the Continental Hotel & Marriott Hotel (across the street from Restaurant Costa Azul on the “rounded“ corner).
Costa Azul Restaurant (typical Panama food +), on side street from Via España between the Continental Hotel & the Marriott Hotel, Banking District
Jimmy’s Parrilla Restaurant (typical Panama food +), , two locations Banking District & San Francisco, see: http://www.parrilladajimmy.com/
Lung Fung (Chinese) Restaurant, Betania area, Vía Simón Bolívar (Transístmica) and Calle 62 C. Oeste Take a taxi, parking is tight under the building, but there is a parking lot up the street. Taxi drivers know the name.
Manolo’s Cafes, several in the city, Via Veneto, Via Argentina, etc.
Martin Fierro (Argentine cruise), El Cangrejo, Calle Eusebio Morales, down the street from the Las Vegas Hotel
see: http://panama.mydestinationinfo.com/en/parrillada-martin-fierro
Mi Ranchito (typical Panama food +), on the first island on the Amador Causeway, see: http://www.restaurantemiranchito.com/en/home.html
Napoli Italian Restaurant, original off Avenida de Martes near the old Canal Zone & the new one south of Via España on a side street in Obarrio
Niko’s Cafes (buffet-cafeteria style), all over Panama City & Balboa, see:
Pomodoro Restaurant Italian cuisine in a bohemian cafe atmosphere, located on the left side of the entrance to the Las Vegas Hotel on Via Veneto see:
Rincon Aleman,
Germany Restaurant, one block off Frederico Boyd & one block north of Calle 50 beside Tinajas Restaurant, see: http://www.1985.com/restaurant_rincon_aleman.html
Rincon Suizo, Swiss Restaurant, El Cangrejo, Calle Eusebio Morales, down the street from the Las Vegas Hotel, see:
Rino’s Italian & International cuisine, Banking District, Ave Federico Boyd & Calle 49.
Tinajas Restaurant, (typical Panama food with typical Panama dance shows most nights), one block off Frederico Boyd & one block north of Calle 50 beside Rincon Aleman Restaurant, see:
Wine Bar, on the right side of the entrance to Las Vegas Hotel offers cheese varieties, pizza's and other gourmet choices mixed with live music of local groups. See bottom:
U.S. Chain restaurant:
TGI Fridays, Bennigan’s, Hooters + many U.S. chain fast foods: KFC, McDonalds, Subway, etc.
Outside of Panama City:
Los Camisones, PanAmerican highway (typical Panama food +), 1.5 hour drive west of Panama City or about 15 kilometers past the entrance to El Valle, KM 104, north side of the Pan Am Hwy, look for a small sign, it’s easy to miss. The restaurant is on s short one lane road up a hill. http://loscamisones.com/
Las Ruinas Restaurant (typical Panama food +, American chief & owner), Boquete, Chiriquí province, see: http://www.boqueteguide.com/?tag=las-ruinas-panama

There are other vegan restaurant in the city, but not being one I do not have names or locations.

Shopping in Panama the City area:

Appliance Stores in Panama:
Furniture City, Novey's, Price Smart, Do It Center, Panafoto, Audiofoto, Mega Depot (Mega Depot is like Price Smart, except no membership required) & Casa Gala. Most have website if you search for them.

Coronado Golf & Beach Resort, 1.5 drive west of Panama City, see: http://www.coronadoresort.com/
DeCameron Golf Course, located at the DeCameron Resort, Farallón Beach, 2 hour drive west of Panama City. See: http://www.decameron.com/eng/panama/royal/golf.html
Panama City Golf Course: Panama City, San Miguelito area, see: http://clubdegolfdepanama.com/
Santa Maria Golf & Country County
(Future/Planned), Costa del Sol, between Tocumen International Airport & Panama City, see: http://www.santamariapanama.com/eng/location.html
Summit Golf Course, located about 35-40 minute drive north of Panama City on the road to Gamboa & by-past to the transmission highway, see:
http://www.summitgolfpanama.com/web/en/ http://www.larsenoutdoors.com/html/golf_panama.html
Tucín Country Club & Resort, west bank of the canal, see:
Vista Mar Golf Club, 1.7 hour drive west of Panama City, see:
Internet cafes are all over the area for 50c-$20/hour & international telephone service, calls to the U.S. between 10-20c/minute. Phone calls are charged by the minute, cell phone calls are more expensive. Cell phone numbers have 6 digits, others have 5 digit numbers. Best way to use phone to make local calls is to use a Cable & wireless plastic credit card looking item that fits in a slot on the front of pay telephone. These cards can be bought from vending machines in $5, 10 & 20 denominations.
Computer Repair:
Luis Carlos Hooper aka Hooperman Phone: 6640-0102 email: [email protected]

Tour guide & van/Chauffeur service:
Jesus played base ball in the U.S. and his English is good. He charges $15 per hour for his service which includes taking you to tourist areas & $25 to & from the airport IF you tell him I referred you. Jesus Cell # is 011 (507) 6754-3378, Jesus has a van/taxi/tour service, I met him when he was a security guard (suit) at the Marriott Hotel in Panama City. Jesus does not do email but if you text him a message to call you, he will call you back. He has an international calling plan on his cell phone.

Bare Foot Panama Tours:
Bare Foot Panama is tour company run by a Kevin O’Brien, an American from Boston, Mass with all kinds of tours ranging from a top ranked City Tour to 2 week cross country trips. Kevin has 15 years guiding experience. Check out Kevin’s web site www.barefootpanama.com or contact Kevin directly at [email protected] or call Kevin at # (011-507) 6780-3010 or U.S. # 781 479 2011.
Night Life/Clubs:
Many casinos in the city at all major hotels, clubs/restaurants on Via Veneto & the near the Marriott Hotel, Via Uruguay, Via Argentina, Balboa (Amador) Yacht Club & on the islands at the end of Amador Causeway (Panama’s South Beach). Casco Viejo (Antiguo: combined barrios of El Chorrillo, San Felipe & Santa Ana)
Things to see & do:
Panama City area:
Old Panama (Panamá Viejo) destroyed by the Pirate Capt Morgan.
New old town: Casco Viejo: city built after the destruction of Panamá Viejo by Capt Morgan. This is the combined “barrios” of San Felipe, Santa Ana & El Chorrillo. Central Avenue is a closed street-walking shopping area, Ave B is the Asian shopping street with bargain shops. “Sale se Puedes” is a side street close by vendor with shops in the middle of the street, warning “Sale se Puedes” translates to “get out if you can”, good bargains and I’ve never personally known of anyone not to get out, but “¿quien sabes?”
Amador Causeway: Shopping/clubs/yacht facility including Mi Ranchito Restaurant first island on the right, best view, prices & view. Balboa (Amador) Yacht Club located just before the causeway (Amador) by the TGI Friday/Town & Country Inn. See http://www.balboayachtclub.com/
Ancon Theater Guild (“Little Theater”) See: http://anconguild.com/
Balboa: Shopping at the Artisan Center on Balboa Road between what was called “The limits” at El Chorrero & the Balboa YMCA. Probably the best shopping & bargains can be found at this “Flee Market”. It is located at near the top of the hill just before the “Y” in the road that would take you to the Bridge of the Americas or into El Chorrero.

Miraflores Visitors’ Center: See: http://www.pancanal.com/eng/anuncios/cvm/index.html

Azuero Peninsula: including Las Tablas, Pedasi & the beaches in this area. This area is a 5-6 hour drive west of Panama City. Best B&B Casita Margarita email [email protected] website www.pedasihotel.com
Beaches-west of Panama City:
1-2 hour drive, beaches include Chame, Gorgona, Coronado, San Carlos, Rio Mar, Santa Clara & Farallon. The PanAm highway “dips” down along the coast in this area & the beaches in this area stretch for about 40-50 kilometers. Hotel Coronado: Gaviota Hotel, Coronado http://www.hotelgaviotapanama.com/index-1.html Coronado phone 240-4526, Panama phone 224-9056 Also the DeCameron & Breezes all-inclusive resorts are located on these beaches.
Canopy Tower Bird Watching Sanctuary: Gamboa Road, between Summit Gardens & one-way bridge to Gamboa: http://www.canopytower.com/error.lasso
David, Boquette, El Volcan & Chiriqui Province:
This area is a 6 - 61/2 hour drive west of Panama City.
Very popular for the higher elevation & cooler temperatures located north of David.
El Valle:
Volcanic area 1½ hour drive west of Panama City, week end flee markets, mud bathes, Zoo & a number of excellent B&Bs. Also a number of great B&Bs.
See http://www.el-valle-panama.com/
Miraflores Locks tourist center:
museum, viewing area of the locks operation & restaurant. See: http://www.pancanal.com/eng/anuncios/cvm/index.html
Summit Gardens Zoo & Gardens just past the “Y” to Gamboa on Gamboa Road.
See http://www.worldheadquarters.com/panama/destinations/summit/
Taboga Island: Located just south of the Pacific entrance to the canal, about a 35 minute launch ride to the island. See
Eco Sites & others of interest:
Barro Colorado Island: Gatun Lake, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, see:
Canopy Tower Bird watching facility between Summit Gardens & the Gamboa bridge: see:
Eco Tours:
**Embera Village, see:
http://www.emberavillagetours.com **The lady who provides these tours name is Sue Gordon de Barron from Washington State, she is married to an Embera. Tell Sue Lou said hello if you use her services, she will give you a discount if you mention my name.
Gamboa Rain Forrest Resort: see:
Gamboa Ivan’s B&B: Birding Lodge (Bird Watching), see:
Gamboa Jungle Lodge & tours: http://www.qg.com/smartools/ebook/hosted.rails?issue=0bee948c4a67441fb569e8f7b860ef127de991b649994199bc02e8f7b860ef12
Miraflores Visitors’ Center: See: http://www.pancanal.com/eng/anuncios/cvm/index.html
Panama Railroad, Though not eco itself, you will see a lot by riding the train. see:
Playa Venao: Azuero Peninsular, El Sitio beach & surf resort, see:
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) who has been in Panama over 100 years, has a seminar every Tuesday at 4:00 pm at their headquarters in Ancon in the main auditorium followed by a “social hour”. The subjects maybe very scientific & over my head, but I always attend when in Panama City—one visit the historian from Washington, D.C. did the address on the history of the Smithsonina in Panama (over 100 years) & what I found interesting is President Roosevelt had the Smithsonian do an environmental study before the canal project began. see:
Taboga Island: Located just south of the Pacific entrance to the canal, about a 35 minute launch ride to the island. See: http://www.tabogaislandpanama.com/
Torti, Panama: about 2 hour drive east of Panama City toward the Darien includes the Hotel Avicar and Restaurant Avicar. The hotel, is a 10 room hotel with swimming pool. Prices ranges depending on the occupancy (beds) from 35.00 to 50.00 US Dollars. The food at the restaurant is a la carte and it ranges from 3.00 to 5.00 US Dollars (steak with rice and salad). Bird watching & jungle tours, for more information contact Luis Gonzalez Nelson at [email protected] or see: www.hotelavicar.com
Tranquilo Bay Eco Lodge: Bocas del Toro, see:
**Whale Watching:
**The lady who provides these tours name is Anne Gordon de Barron from Washington State, she is married to an Embera. Tell Anne Lou said hello if you use her services, she will give you a discount if you mention my name.
Real Estate for Sale
20 Acres - 8 hectares for sale near Penonome, Panama which is about a 2.5 - 3 hour drive west of Panama City. See:

Schools in Panama City area:
The International School of Panama (ISP) Website: http://www.isp.edu.pa/
Balboa Academy: Cuidad del Saber (Clayton), Website: http://www.balboaacademy.org/
King’s College (School), Cuidad del Saber (Clayton), Age 3 – 9 (each year higher grades will be added), British system with UK qualified teachers. see: www.kingscollege.com.pa or contact:
Lindsay Carmody
Head of Admissions
King’s College Panama
The British School of Panama
Tel: (001 507) 6378 4265
Email: [email protected]
Oxford International School, (OIS) Via Espana Website: http://www.ois.edu.pa/ois/
Metropolitan School, Cuidad del Saber (Clayton), former Canal Zone Website: http://www.themetropolitanschool.com/
The Episcopal School in El Carmen Website: www.cep.edu.pa
St Mary’s School in Albrook Website: www.stmarypa.com
Crossroads Christian Academy in Cardenas Website: www.ccapanama.com

Information websites:
3rd Locks website: http://www.gupc.com.pa/index.php
Fodor’s travel info: http://www.fodors.com/world/mexico-and-central-america/panama/
Pet relocation to Panama info: http://www.panamapetrelocation.com/
Welcome to Panama:

Tentative Itinerary (Tenative, work-in-progress, more coming later)
Day ?: Panama City: Panama Viejo, old Panama, original city destroy by the pirate Capt Morgan of the rum fame *Ü*, including shopping at an artisan center. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panam%C3%A1_Viejo
Casco Viejo http://www.cascoviejo.org/content/cnPanels.php?cid=10 including Central Ave walking mall & Sales se Puedes
Amador Causeway including Balboa Yacht Club, YMCA artisan center, & restaurants & shops on the islands at the end of the causeway; probably have a meal at Mi Ranchito, one of my favorite eating places in Panama.
Balboa, La Boca including the a visit to the Administration Bldg of the Panama Canal.

Day ?: Miraflores visitor center, museum & canal lock observation center http://www.pancanal.com/eng/anuncios/cvm/index.html , Pedro Miguel Locks, Summit Gardens & Gamboa including the Gamboa Rain Forrest Resort
Gamboa Jungle Lodge & tours: http://www.qg.com/smartools/ebook/hosted.rails?issue=0bee948c4a67441fb569e8f7b860ef127de991b649994199bc02e8f7b860ef12
Day ?: Atlantic side, Fort Sherman, Fort San Lorenzo-old Spanish Fort
http://panamaliving.com/FortSanLorenzo.html , Portobelo-old Spanish Fort http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portobelo,_Col%C3%B3n , Free Zone http://colonfreezone.com/ , maybe overnight at the Washinton Hotel, http://radisson67-px.trvlclick.com/cuidad-de-colon-hotel-pa-0301-01074/papaco .

Day ?: El Valle & Beaches: Gorgona, Coronado, Santa Clara, Farallón, Playa Blanco. El Valle is located in an extinct volcano & has a popular “flee market” on the week ends, several very nice B&B located in the area. El Valle is located about 1.5 hour drive west of Panama City. Beaches are located 1 - 2 hour drive west of Panama City.

Day ?: Interior, Azuero Peninsular, Chiriqui Province (David, Boquete, Volcan) Bocas del Toro, San Blas Islands, Contadora Island.

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