Hello :)
My husband grew up in Paraguay on a religious commune. His family left and moved to the states when he was a teenager. We are ready to leave Connecticut, the high taxes and snowy winters.
Now he is 66 and we have raised three girls. Due to medical bills and college we depleted savings. Our house will not net a profit and we have 10 more years to pay in it due to home equity loans.
Not complaining- life happens and he is healthy now after a long battle.
So, he still knows a few people in Paraguay but they are quite elderly. I've only been there once with him when we first got married and that area has been taken over by soybeans so I have no frame of reference.
His Spanish is still good- he remembers a lot of Guarani. I only speak and understand a little Spanish but can read it fairly well. I am a nurse which pays the bills here but unless it's volunteer I don't imagine working wherever we move to.
My question is- with social security and pension and no sizable savings, is $3500 a month a decent amount to live comfortably with one car? That's less than we have but I'm figuring I'll want to leave a cushion for travel, visiting our girls, medical stuff.
Any suggestions for nice areas to check out would be greatly appreciated! Quiet country living is ok but being able to walk to town/shops is ideal.
I admit I'm a bit overwhelmed.
Thank you.
My husband grew up in Paraguay on a religious commune. His family left and moved to the states when he was a teenager. We are ready to leave Connecticut, the high taxes and snowy winters.
Now he is 66 and we have raised three girls. Due to medical bills and college we depleted savings. Our house will not net a profit and we have 10 more years to pay in it due to home equity loans.
Not complaining- life happens and he is healthy now after a long battle.
So, he still knows a few people in Paraguay but they are quite elderly. I've only been there once with him when we first got married and that area has been taken over by soybeans so I have no frame of reference.
His Spanish is still good- he remembers a lot of Guarani. I only speak and understand a little Spanish but can read it fairly well. I am a nurse which pays the bills here but unless it's volunteer I don't imagine working wherever we move to.
My question is- with social security and pension and no sizable savings, is $3500 a month a decent amount to live comfortably with one car? That's less than we have but I'm figuring I'll want to leave a cushion for travel, visiting our girls, medical stuff.
Any suggestions for nice areas to check out would be greatly appreciated! Quiet country living is ok but being able to walk to town/shops is ideal.
I admit I'm a bit overwhelmed.
Thank you.