It IS my container.
I am in preference of:
1 Lamas/Tarapoto/Sauce area. Alternately, way outside of Lima to the NE, off of Hwy 5(?), heading toward San Martin Prov.
2 Someplace discrete that would NOT be noticed from main roads, Where the Can would NOT be an easy target for BnE and pilferage.
3 It is 8 x 20 ft = 200 ft Sq / 8 M sq
4 Rentor/Lessor should be amenable to a LONG-term rental contract and responsible for security of the C can.
The contents are not of high value, but the stuff is needed to re-establish myself here with my wife (Queshua-Espanol) and her illegitimate progeny, you capiche?
5 Any Limanites have a few ideas or suggestions?
666 It IZ the end times for flat earth humans and the economy IZ vaporizing under our feet! I need to have a safe living abode and to farm our own food in order to survive SHTF. Urban locales will be Gang land.
7 Looking for Canuck expats, and any bi/tri-lingual anglophones to meet - to poss. hit up for occasional assistance. I serendipitously ran into ran into 3 Cdn women traveling in Bogota and Tarapoto on my previous visit.
8 Is there any AWAKE ppl there? Do you pay attention to:
What da hay are 5000 UAss mercenaries up to in PE????? Plus off-shore navy back-up?
They are NOT on vacation, I know for a fact.
For anyone with curiosity, courage, the motivation to WAKE -da-frik-UP!
investigate Sean Hross' EWEtube channels:
Don"t fret the titles
Hes a dad
history PhD
focus is Pharoahan and Euro elite/illuminatee, free masonites
he RE-Educates and DE propagandizes your reality....
Sell your frkn TV and LEARN something this year.
QUIT being a clueless moron
I am in preference of:
1 Lamas/Tarapoto/Sauce area. Alternately, way outside of Lima to the NE, off of Hwy 5(?), heading toward San Martin Prov.
2 Someplace discrete that would NOT be noticed from main roads, Where the Can would NOT be an easy target for BnE and pilferage.
3 It is 8 x 20 ft = 200 ft Sq / 8 M sq
4 Rentor/Lessor should be amenable to a LONG-term rental contract and responsible for security of the C can.
The contents are not of high value, but the stuff is needed to re-establish myself here with my wife (Queshua-Espanol) and her illegitimate progeny, you capiche?
5 Any Limanites have a few ideas or suggestions?
666 It IZ the end times for flat earth humans and the economy IZ vaporizing under our feet! I need to have a safe living abode and to farm our own food in order to survive SHTF. Urban locales will be Gang land.
7 Looking for Canuck expats, and any bi/tri-lingual anglophones to meet - to poss. hit up for occasional assistance. I serendipitously ran into ran into 3 Cdn women traveling in Bogota and Tarapoto on my previous visit.
8 Is there any AWAKE ppl there? Do you pay attention to:
What da hay are 5000 UAss mercenaries up to in PE????? Plus off-shore navy back-up?
They are NOT on vacation, I know for a fact.
For anyone with curiosity, courage, the motivation to WAKE -da-frik-UP!
investigate Sean Hross' EWEtube channels:
Don"t fret the titles
Hes a dad
history PhD
focus is Pharoahan and Euro elite/illuminatee, free masonites
he RE-Educates and DE propagandizes your reality....
Sell your frkn TV and LEARN something this year.
QUIT being a clueless moron