Hi all. Greetings from southern Chile.
How is the Coronavirus situation in Peru? Has it had a big impact? Or not as big?
Someone sent me a post about a Peruvian court that indicted Bill Gates, George Soros, the Rockefellers, etc., saying that they created the pandemic...
Then there was another post that the judges in question would be called into question for irregularities...
May I please ask, has this gotten a lot of attention inside of Peru? And how are the people looking at this?
Also, is the government of Peru planning to vaccinate 100% of the population? Or are they aiming for herd immunity (80%)?
Thanks for any pointers or tips. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
How is the Coronavirus situation in Peru? Has it had a big impact? Or not as big?
Someone sent me a post about a Peruvian court that indicted Bill Gates, George Soros, the Rockefellers, etc., saying that they created the pandemic...
Then there was another post that the judges in question would be called into question for irregularities...
May I please ask, has this gotten a lot of attention inside of Peru? And how are the people looking at this?
Also, is the government of Peru planning to vaccinate 100% of the population? Or are they aiming for herd immunity (80%)?
Thanks for any pointers or tips. I hope you all have a wonderful day.