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need real answers / please help

21 years ago
I've been researching the Philippines for over a year now and I need some real answers. I know you all are tired of everyone wanting to know how much everything costs over there, and how much it costs to live there. So I'm not going to ask for specifics. First let me tell you my situation. I get $1400 U.S. Dollars a month as my income. I am considering living in Cebu. I have heard and read that I can live reasonably well on this amount of money. However, I still have doubts. Here are my questions:
Can I truly live on this amount? Also I have a question that may not usually be asked. I am an overweight person, I weigh about 390. Do you know of any problems that I might have there as a result? How do the people there react to overweight people?
You probably need more info on my living preference to determine if I can live on $1400 a month. I would like to rent a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, or bungalow. I dont mind living outside of town, as long as its safe. I would like air conditioning. This is a must for me. Because of my size I dont sleep well if no air conditioning. That may be a premium, but it's a must. I'd like to either bring my own or buy a small T.V.
A 13 or 19 inch T.V. would be fine. I'd like satellite and internet. I don't require high speed internet. Thats about it. I like cooking and cleaning for myself, but I understand a maid can be very beneficial for info, and shopping for the best prices on food.
My only other question concerns Cebu. I hear it's real nice. I'd seriously consider another location to live, if you know of a good cheap city, thats safe. I dont want to live anywhere near Manilla. Too many people, and crime for me. I'm moving from Chicago, and would like to leave large citys like it behind.
One more thing I just thought of. I'm only 27 years old, and I wonder if that will be a problem? Will the fact that I'm so young be a factor in getting permission to stay for a year or more there?
I don't know if it matters, but my income is from Social Security. If anyone can answer even one of my questions, I'd appreciate it. I do have some limited savings. I understand that some places want 6 months or a year of rent in advance. Is this true for Cebu? Thanks for any and all help.

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The Philippines attracts the interest of expats from all over the world - truly has a lot to offer for a variety of different people. However, it's also important to understand the pitfalls that can be avoided with appropriate homework and preparation.

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