I am an American on a fairly long business trip to the Philippines. I don't want any moral judgments on this, just the facts: I am 54. A lovely 17 year old girl -- very smart and excellent English (and, though it's of zero importance, the smallest full-grown person I have ever seen) -- has asked me to take her on vacation before her school starts up again next month. If it matters, she's a lot closer to her 17th birthday than her 18th. I have met her parents at length, and they are perfectly fine with it. Is this okay? I am under the vague impression that the girl is supposed to be 18. But then I Googled it and it appears that the age of consent in Phil is 12 [?maybe that was a typo?]. Anyone know? Please keep the flaming to a minimum -- I'd just like to know if this is legally permissible.