Hi, family living in South Africa are in constant fear for their safety and also are subjected on a daily basis to racial persecution ... this is coming from government and opposition political party leaders. They are poor and do not have money to formally emigrate to another country. They also lack the necessary qualifications and skills although my brother did train and quality as a Carpenter a long time ago and has been doing building work for many years. They are wanting to flee South Africa with only the clothes on their backs and are hoping to apply for refugee status in the Philippines. Without being racist but looking at the practical aspects of their situation, does anyone at the forum know whether the Philippines would accept a white family from South Africa applying for refugee status? Also, they know that they would have to tell an official at the airport once they have landed that they are wanting to apply for refugee status, but we don't know what would happen to them from that point onwards? Would they be locked up in a camp, what would their living conditions likely be, would they have access to medical care and be given clothing and food, etc? Mostly what would their chances of success likely be? I would really value any responses to the aforementioned concerns. Thank you in advance.