Caution has been posted before on how Facebook can be used by Filipino's in a toxic way. Protect your privacy (settings). Prohibit anyone from uploading pictures on your page. They can always use messenger. Give a mobile phone number and they will send you SMS messages on potential friends requests you can make, noting those persons with whom you have a mutual friend. By clicking on this person and clicking on your friend's page is a back door into their page where they may have blocked you in their privacy settings from seeing any of their friends. If your friend has no other friends posted on your link from your page, beware. If your partner is casually seeking friend contacts behind your back, this will reveal it. Sometimes, Filipina's and other nationalities like to keep their man "in their pocket" (as one woman described it to me) while they look for another possibly higher up on the food chain than you or they are just feeding their vanity. Also, if you are on your partners page or on your feedback page to your comments you can click on the thumbs-up to see the identity of the person responding. Another back door. It's good to monitor Facebook activity as a keyhole view into your relationships. If you have any other Facebook pointers, please add them. Be careful not to hoist yourself on your own petard as they say. Kudos to those of you who have 100% loyalty and transparency from your partners, without distractions.