I have a girlfriend in Cavite. I've known her since 3014 and have been to the Philippines 6 times and stayed 6 months each time. I want to be with her so much but I know I sound like a sissy but I'm so afraid when I'm there. I never went anywhere by myself and I don't like their food. I love her so much but the fear that I will be kidnapped is overwhelming. I know that the chances of that are not high but I have developed this phobia because of what I read and I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb with a target on my back. I am so unhappy living here in the USA alone but my irrational phobia is why I won't move there.
If I found a place where there are a lot of expats I think I could make it.
I would give anything not to have this phobia of living in the Philippines.
I wonder if anyone else is like me.
Please if anyone can help me get over this phobia I would appreciate it so much. I want to marry my filipina.
If I found a place where there are a lot of expats I think I could make it.
I would give anything not to have this phobia of living in the Philippines.
I wonder if anyone else is like me.
Please if anyone can help me get over this phobia I would appreciate it so much. I want to marry my filipina.