My recent post asking why the RP is poor generated much interest and about 300 replies. I think I stumbled onto a reason, if not the reason.
The RP has a low IQ, tied with multiple other countries at an 86, ranked 21st among all countries. The US is tied for 9th place with other countries at 98. The US average is penalized by the 60 or so million blacks and Hispanics whose IQs are way below caucasians: blacks average 85 and Hispanics around 90-91 whereas caucasians average 100.
There is a major and well known though controversial study which asserts a direct correlation between IQ and economic growth/performance which I think makes sense empirically. The RP has no significant substrate of people other than Filipinos so I think their average of 86 is not skewed. See for the data re nations.
Lots of IQ arguments I've discovered many trying to figure out whether IQ is genetic or environmental - nature vs nurture is the phrase used I've read.
I'm sure you all know many high IQ people in the RP; I know some myself. The point is not the intelligent few but the less cognitive many. Obviously there are many high IQ blacks in the US; Obama, Colin Powell and MLK come to mind. But they are the exception not the rule.
Look at the full list of countries and see which are at the top and the bottom. It seems to me there is an obvious consistency with the IQ results and the economic situation in the nations.
What do you all think of the study linking IQ and economic success? And its corollary - that RPs economic problems basically arise from the national IQ - does that make sense to you?
The RP has a low IQ, tied with multiple other countries at an 86, ranked 21st among all countries. The US is tied for 9th place with other countries at 98. The US average is penalized by the 60 or so million blacks and Hispanics whose IQs are way below caucasians: blacks average 85 and Hispanics around 90-91 whereas caucasians average 100.
There is a major and well known though controversial study which asserts a direct correlation between IQ and economic growth/performance which I think makes sense empirically. The RP has no significant substrate of people other than Filipinos so I think their average of 86 is not skewed. See for the data re nations.
Lots of IQ arguments I've discovered many trying to figure out whether IQ is genetic or environmental - nature vs nurture is the phrase used I've read.
I'm sure you all know many high IQ people in the RP; I know some myself. The point is not the intelligent few but the less cognitive many. Obviously there are many high IQ blacks in the US; Obama, Colin Powell and MLK come to mind. But they are the exception not the rule.
Look at the full list of countries and see which are at the top and the bottom. It seems to me there is an obvious consistency with the IQ results and the economic situation in the nations.
What do you all think of the study linking IQ and economic success? And its corollary - that RPs economic problems basically arise from the national IQ - does that make sense to you?