Hi, I'm 34 and live here in Tennessee in the U.S. I'm not that happy with life here and as my daughter approaches 18 (she's almost 15 now) I am considering a move more and more. Originally somewhere in South America was more on my radar until recently as the Philippines has started to move to the centre of my interest. I've watched a lot of videos and although I'm not that fond of tropical environments there's still a lot I am loving about the Philippines, while still having some concerns and no idea what to expect. One of the reasons I want to leave is I just want a more free life, I want a more simple life but I don't want to live in poverty either. One of my biggest concerns is that I can't buy land or a house as a foreigner in the Philippines and that's important to me as I don't want to rent, I want to have my place bought and paid for and that would be one large expense that I wouldn't have to worry about. Anyway, what are some of your experiences there in the Philippines, what to you like/not like there? What about the people, so far I've watched and red nothing but good things about the Philippine people. And I'm hoping me and my daughter can take a vacation there next year. Thanks.