TeeJay- I have been here in PI going on 9 yrs in Baguio City-N.Luzon- In my opinion its not a good idea to fly internationally because of the restrictions ect. Those who are trying to get back to the Phil and their families I will say a prayer for and it may be complications returning.They always must be prepaired for the unexpected at airports,ect. I have a section 13 quota visa and could probably fly to the states to see my family in Calif if I desired but am sure not even going to take the chance of getting stuck at Los Angeles airport or any other airport for that matter.I am over 65 and places like airports are not the place for me to be. People are becoming more laxed(just look around you) in wearing their masks.shields properly and socially distancing is impossible and if a person is going to get covid an international airport would be the place to get it,if not on the plane. Things happen for a reason but I sure cant figure out one for this covid mess! Spanish flu took 675k deaths in the USA and 50 million deaths world wide. Lets just hope and pray we dont get a replay of that. My best to all and stay safe!Jimmy in Baguio